東森關鍵時刻_20090831_誰邀達賴!? Dalai Lama is a grouped special interests for liars, Liars only right is "4.Duck.Jay.Cone" to empty self. That how 達賴 must hav 燒烤e no right to be invited or invite himself in any way.Dalai Lama must not have 開幕活動right to get in touch with any public, not mention to own any public power public force public authority, 租房子 not mention to act like Idol/Icon to show up on any stage. Because Dalai Lama grouped members are all liars, liar must n 酒店打工ot be allowed to deserve a life, must not be allowed to have voice; liar's only right is to empty self to have eyes acting like eyeless, to ha 房屋買賣ve ears acting like earless, to have nose actiong smelless, to have sense acting feelingless, to have body acting weightless, to have mouth acting tasteless. Liar 商務中心 has no way to see to smell to hear to feel things right, therefore, their only right is to empty self to show how good they can overcome God created form that deserve them to own tha 小型辦公室t lightest outer space.That how Dalai Lama belongs group, must have no right to select any under aged kid to act like their puppet head, they want someone out of their grouped members to be their head, th 辦公室出租ey have to rely on free virgin man who volunteer himself to serve or be served by them; that means Dalai Lama belongs group, must have no right to recruit anyone who's not old enough to be seen as virgin man, liar has no 房地產 right to teach, therefore, Dalai Lama belongs group, must have no right to get in contact with any under aged kid in any way. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 永慶房屋  .

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